I Heart Food

In honor of the day of love I baked. It’s not really my favorite thing to do but once in a while, when the mood strikes, I dig through the pantry and attempt to make something yummy. Today yumminess came in the form of heart shaped peanut butter cookies with strawberry jam filling. They were a delightful combination of soft buttery crumbs and gooey tang.



The recipe can be found at one of my favorite Internet resources The Tasty Kitchen. Happy Valentine’s Day!

The Recipe

Lost on the Moors

I watched Jane Eyre the other night while stitching Words onto linen. Oh how I love the beautiful imagery, the haunting music and gothic mystery of it. It also helped to soften the blow of discovering that one of my hand sewn words was not spelled correctly. Sigh. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these little tidbits of loveliness as much as I do. I just wish I could find a good picture of Jane’s gorgeous wedding gown!










All images courtesy of Long Ago Captures
Long Ago Captures

Next to the Box

My scrap box is getting rather full. When that happens projects are eminent. Small projects that I must force myself to imagine as opposed to using a pattern. It’s a creative stretch, an out of box experience. But we all need one of those once in a while.



Is it too late to wish you a happy new year? No? Okay! Happy New Year! I always like the thought of the new year. I say to myself that this year I’m going to so much better than last year, I’m going to start all over and make none of last year’s mistakes. But guess what? Life doesn’t work that way! In just two weeks I’ve already managed to make some hum dinger mistakes and have only kept one of my resolutions. (It was “read more”. One of the one’s I didn’t keep was to neatly write out my resolutions so that I could go back and read them through out the year. Oh well.)

Anyway, all I can do now is to be incredibly thankful for the New Year, for life and health and work and passions and pursuits and love and family and, well you get the picture : ). There will be no perfect newness until Heaven but there can be hope and there can be joy. There can be thanksgiving and there can be changes. In just two weeks there has already been a room of my own with fresh paint (it’s gray, I love it!) and the purchase of an iPad (which I am still figuring out how to use).

So even with the mistakes it’s been a pretty good year so far. I hope that your two weeks have been amazing and even if those resolutions haven’t worked out very well that your hope has been reNEWed.

“Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.”
-Psalm 31:24


Day Three: Tongeren and the Gallo-Roman Museum

Tongeren is a must for a Sunday morning in Belgium. Every Sunday there is a massive antique fair in the town. Tongeren is the oldest city in Belgium and was founded by the Romans. The museum in Tongeren has some lovely Roman pieces found in the city.

Day Two: Waterloo

Our visit to Waterloo was a combination of beautiful weather, an interesting history lesson, an impromptu photo shoot and two hundred and sixty odd steps. Very fun!

Day One: Brussels and Bonne Espérance

My brother and I arrived in Belgium yesterday and were met by our dear friends who reside there. In order to dispose of jet lag we were taken out on whirlwind tour of Brussels (pausing only to scarf down a waffle) followed by a visit to The School of Good Hope, an abbey which dates from 1125.


Bonne Esperance (The School of Good Hope)

Bon Voyage!

This is what I was inside of just 24 hours ago! The coming of more pictures is immanent!

Afternoon in the Woods

I went on little jaunt recently at a local park with a dear friend. The park has some short wood-sy hiking trails which we traversed, taking our time, laughing lots, snapping pictures. We ended with an impromptu portrait session at a covered bridge and on some nearby railroad tracks.

For more pictures visit Emily’s lovely journal:


Image Credit: Emily

Football wasn’t all I did…

A week after my birthday I went on a trip with some really great people. A shopping kind of trip. With some great girlfriend kind of people. And some great mother kind of people. And we had a great time. Can you guess where we went? It shouldn’t be that hard. This is me we’re talkin’ about after all.

If you said “Anthropologie” you were right!

Image Credit: Cheryl

Ah, we went a few other places too. Just a few.

Image Credit: Lillian